Dastoor Forceps Superior Rectus Forceps 1 X 2 teeth


Desmarres Forceps Chalazion Forceps Chalazion Forceps oval 13mm dia.


Chalazion Forceps oval 20mm dia.


Dodick Forceps Lens Holding Forceps smooth jaws, angled forward for comfortable hand position angled right


Elschnig Capsule Forceps Capsule Forceps


Erhardt Lid Forceps Lid Forceps


Eye Dressing Forceps Forceps serrated delicate straight


Eye Dressing Forceps Forceps serrated delicate curved


Faulkner Forceps
 Lens Holding Forceps with smooth polished round jaws pick up foldable IOL from case without marking or damage the lens


Faulkner Forceps
Lens Inserting Forceps for folding and inserting soft IOLs through small incision


Faulkner II Forceps Lens Inserting Forceps for foldable IOL


Foreign Body Forceps Forceps, straight sharp pointed tips


Fixation Forceps Fixation Forceps 1 X 2 angled teeth


Fixation Forceps Forceps 2 X 3 teeth, straight


Gill Colibri Forceps very fine, pointed tips


Gill Iris Forceps Iris Forceps curved criss-cross serrated tips


Gradle Cilia Forceps Cilia Forceps smooth, squared off positive gripping jaws


Graefe Fixation Forceps Fixation Forceps 4.5mm wide jaws with catch


Mosquito Forceps, delicate 5.25(145mm) long curved 5¼ (145mm) long curved


Harms Forceps Tying Forceps smooth jaws, 0.5mm tip width 5mm long platform ideal for 7-0 to 9-0 sutures straight Tying Forceps smooth jaws, 0.5mm tip width 5mm long platform ideal for 7-0 to 9-0 sutures