Tying Forceps smooth jaws, 0.5mm tip width 5mm long platform ideal for 7-0 to 9-0 sutures curved Tying Forceps smooth jaws, 0.5mm tip width 5mm long platform ideal for 7-0 to 9-0 sutures curved


Hoffer - Mc Pherson Corneal Fcps delicate 11mm L/angled jaws 1X2 teeth,0.12mm


Hunt Forceps Chalazion Forceps round, 12mm diameter


Iris Forceps Forceps 1 X 2 Teeth Curved



Jaffe Forceps  Capsulorhexis Forceps very delicate,round grasping tips and extremely thin 11mm long curved shanks


Jewelers Forceps Forceps curved # 7


Jewelers Forceps Forceps standard #1


Kansas Forceps Nucleus Removal Forceps for extracting lens nucleus fragments for manual small incision surgery, curved


Kellan Forceps Endocapsular IOL Insertion Forceps diameter of the tip is 0.15mm for implantation of the superior haptic of IOL


Kelman-McPherson Forceps Forceps smooth jaws, 5mm long platform, 7.5mm angled, ideal for implanting IOL, angled


Kirby Iris Forceps Iris Forceps 1 X 2 Teeth Curved


Tennant Forceps  Tying Forceps with guide pin extra delicate smooth jaws with 5mm long platform for 9-0 to 11-0 sutures straight


 Lens Inserting Forceps for foldable lens 30 degree angled tip with 45mm tip opening


 Lens Folding Forceps cross action ideal for silicone & acrylic foldable lenses.Consistantly folds the IOL evenly and equally while preventing the lens from reverse folding


Kratz Forceps Lens Holding Forceps with smooth curved


Lambert Forceps Chalazion Forceps round, 8mm diameter


Lieberman Forceps Lens Forceps T-bar on upper and lower jaws for excellent stability in holding biconvex IOL with lock


Lim Forceps Corneoscleral Forceps with tying platform 0.12mm, 1 X 2 teeth


Masket Forceps Capsulorhexis Forceps very delicate grasping tips and extremely thin 11mm long curved shanks


Moorfield Conjunctiva Forceps Conjunctival Suture Forceps horizantally serrated jaws with groove