Kirby Needles

Lens Expressor & Repositor



Lens Expressor & Spatula



Iris Repositor & Retractor



Meyerhoefer Needles


Chalazion Curette size 0,1.50mm 1, 1.75mm 2, 2.25mm3, 2.50mm dia


Chalazion Curette size 4, 3.50mm dia


Capsule Polishing Curette 1.75mm dia. open ring with semi-sharp edge anterior


Capsule Polishing Curette 1.75mm dia. open ring with semi-sharp edge posterior


Fixation Hook Double sharp, 2 X 1.5mm small


Fixation Hook Double sharp, 2.5 X2mm small


Jaffe Iris hook small blunt


Kuglen Needles Iris Hook and Lens Manipulator clover leaf model straight


Shepard Iris hook small blunt



Shepard Fixation Ring Needles
Clear-Cornea-Incision Fixation Ring , 12 teeth, Pivot swivelable 16mm dia


Thornton Needles Globe Fixation Ring multiple teeth 16mm diameter


Scleral Fixation Ring set of 8 sizes(15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 mm Dia


Goldman Scleral Fixation Ring

Scleral Fixation Ring and blepharostat adult size


Lasik Depressor


Castroviejo Blade Caliper 20mm spread straight


Castroviejo Blade Caliper 20mm spread curved


Wilder Instrument Lacrimal Dialator size 2, medium taper


Harms Instrument Trabeculotomy Probe right,Left


Lacrimal Dialator double-end fine and medium taper